News You Must Use—#1


I had intended to give all of us a rest from JudgmentsHere . . . But then I received intelligence that obliges me to post, today, as a matter of civic responsibility and a demonstration of my regard for the sensibilities of faithful readers.

I read, today, in the latest copy of FOOD & WINE:

IT’S OFFICIAL: 2020 is the year of the anchovy

Communication of that intelligence seemed urgent for the benefit of those who, like JudgmentsHere, had been left, unaccountably, in the dark.

It is upsetting to realize that fully two-thirds of The Year of the Anchovy already are behind us!  Verily, anchovies have but little way to fly—and Lo! the fish is on the wing!

Those of us who have not recognized this special year with suitable festivities have just four months left to make good. With the end of The Year of the Anchovy fast approaching, it is certain that the best event-planners already are booked, and the choicest banquet venues reserved.

Yet there is time!  Take up the melody, now, and sound the timbrel!  Before another precious month slips by—take an anchovy to lunch!  Or perhaps have an anchovy for lunch?  We have been so quickly overtaken by circumstances—and those being so obviously consequential—that we have not reached certainty regarding the proper protocol.  But what is Google for?

The case may be simply stated: This is The Year of the Anchovy—and IT’S OFFICIAL.  Attention must be paid.